About the Doctor
Who Are Our Patients
Weight Loss
Chronic Illness
Scientific Testing
FAQ - Weight Loss
FAQ - Chronic Illness
Symptom Survey
Fat Calculator
Weightloss Quiz

Dr. Watkinson's practice blends the best of alternative and traditional medicine to create a more “patient-centered” health environment.

Dr. Watkinson has over three decades in practice and has received degrees, certifications and training in multiple areas of alternative and complementary medicine. Many of Dr. Watkinson’s patients have seen him only after exhausting other healing options and have said that he has an enormous tool box for problem-solving.

Dr. Watkinson brings the best of both healing worlds together for your benefit.

On-Trend health care is a seamless health care delivered either in person or remotely. It is for the pro-active patient and goes beyond the doctor visit. Education, awareness, communication in matters of health are not limited to facilities or practices. We aim to educating our patients to allow better choices for better health and to invest in methods and technologies to set our goal for better prevention. When necessary our treatment focuses upon cause.