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1 . Have you ever treated anyone with symptoms like mine before?
Having seen patients for nearly 30 years, the answer is more than likely, yes. However, each and every patient is an individual and even though their symptoms may be the same, it does not mean their condition or their response to treatment will be the same. Often, patients are not sick with one condition. Sometimes patients are sick with several things which might weigh them down to the point that their illness cannot be specifically identified as one text book disease. Recently, in the Journal of the American Medical Association there was an article stating the current situation: that the practice of medicine is not training doctors for the chronically ill patients, which constitute 78% of health expenses today.

Many of these people are exactly the patients I am referring to above, and for the majority of my practice they have been the patients which I have concentrated on helping. Thinking outside the box has become the rule and not the exception.

Traditional medicine needs a name for the condition to be able to look at the drug manual for the treatment. I need to understand the causal chain of the illness so I can change its progression and outcome. Certainly the name of the condition is important, but it may in fact just be the result of several unidentified malfunctions that resulted in a whole body burden that allowed the disease to exist in the first place. Focusing too much attention upon the named condition may be a mistake and only lead to failure, or worse yet, more disease. There are a lot of incurable conditions because no one understands the progression of the dysfunction that preceded the diseased outcome.

So have I ever treated your specific condition before? Maybe not, but the name of your condition may in actual fact not be your major problem at all. I once saw a patient who was thought to have Lyme disease but who really had Syphilis. Not a good mistake to make. Having seen patients for nearly 30 years the answer is more than likely yes.
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2 . How did I get this condition?
As I discussed above, disease is more often the accumulation of dysfunctions wearing away at the body's immunity until one day you have X, Y or Z disease.

Certainly one can contract a disease from someone who is ill and contagious, but my practice has been more about the patients who have become stuck in an illness most often without a name, or one with a name and no known cure. I am not talking about cancer here. I am talking about the millions of walking wounded with a condition which stumps most doctors and hospitals.

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3 . My memory is shot-will it return?
Memory is the result of small electrical currents which maintain a polarity not unlike computers. These small currents require neurological memory systems which are electrically intact and not destroyed by disease. There
are two types of memory which are important to our daily functioning; short term and long term memory. One being important for "why did I come to the store?", and the other for "where is the store I have been coming to for 20 years?". Short term memory and long term memory work together like a computer's desk top and hard drive. You access things in the hard drive and put them on the desk top for immediate use, and when you are done, you put them back into the long term memory or hard drive.

Head injuries can result in memory loss anywhere from permanent loss to temporary short term loss. Stress or long term illness can also result in memory loss. Fatigue can even cause the memory to fail. There are dietary and heavy metal poisonings which may also contribute to memory decline. Not only can these causes affect memory, but can also affect one's ability to multi task. Multi tasking is keeping multiple tasks on your mental desktop at the same time.

What I have frequently seen in my practice is memory failure because the body has, for a number of reasons, been unable to maintain its energy to maintain the electrical activity essential for proper memory. This is excluding any pathological causes such as tumors or sever traumas.

The electrical switching centers of the brain that handle the electrical activity between the brain and the lower body can easily become confused, if you wish, and need to be jump started. I once saw a woman in her 80s who had had several falls and said that she had not had any awareness of her legs, and especially her toes, in some time. She had seen several orthopedic doctors and neurologists, and every one was feeling that it might be caused by a narrowing of the spinal canal in her neck, and that surgery "might" change the symptoms and help her walking. She did not want to have surgery if at all possible and consulted me for another opinion.

Upon examination she was found to have deficient electrical energy below her waist and walked like a like a drunken sailor. The use of a mineral spray under her tongue began to turn up the electrical energy to her legs. Within an hour of doing a total of 15 sprays she felt strong enough to test the result by walking to the waiting room and back. By the time she got to the waiting room, she said she could feel her feet which she had not felt in years. Once in the waiting room she began to dance around and could not believe the change.

You might be asking yourself what this has to do with memory. The important part of this story is that this woman did not have the neurological energy to carry on communications between her head and her feet and it was affected by mineral cofactors that were deficient, and therefore not allowing the nerves to carry important information. The brain works in very much the same way. If the cofactors are absent or diminished, important information is lost and does not reach the intended destination. Information can therefore not be stored or categorized, and memory becomes faulty.
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4 . What is the biggest thing standing in the way of my getting well?
This is a question not asked by my patients, but it is the question I ask myself about each complexly ill patient who walks into my office with a long-term complaint. What is it that may be in the way of a full recovery? What system or systems have fired improperly that this person should be stuck in this condition, and how can I track it and move them to a safe place, separating them from their illness which has become such a big part of their life? Many times it is not enough just to take the illness away. There are times you need to help the patient fill the void left as the illness leaves. As much as the sick want their illness to leave, it has become part of them, and in some cases it has become their whole life, as miserable as it is. What would life be like without it is difficult or even impossible for some to visualize, and scary to think about going back to the life they once had. Illness changes people, and it is important to grow through the process and emerge a new person. The process of finding the "cure" may in fact be more important than the cure itself. In some cases it is a necessary element in achieving and maintaining the goal of future wellness.

A recent patient who had suffered with a life consuming stomach complaint for over 20 years answered my question about how was he doing by saying, "I think I am doing better than I was when I first came in to the office but what I am sure of is I don't relate to my condition the way I used to. It does not make me angry anymore and I seem to be living more of my life now and thinking less about my illness." This is a person who is getting well and who will more than likely stay well for his condition is no longer an expression of who he is or was.

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5 . Will I need surgery for what I have?
This is hard to say, not knowing what you might have, however if it is not an emergency surgery there may be an alternative. I cannot advise you not to do something which your doctor has recommended, yet there will always be the option of surgery, and if anything, the doctors who perform the surgery will be smarter the longer you are able to put it off.

I have seen patients with kidney stones which were thought to only be fixed by surgery, yet dissolved with appropriate treatment of a calcium antagonist. I once had a patient who had a full body scan and the results
indicated the he had several calcified kidney cysts and several kidney stones. A few months later, the same patient returned for a follow up body scan performed and read by the same doctor. The examining doctor phoned me following my patient's scan, and asked, "What did you do to Mr. X?" I was not sure what prompted the question, and felt I was put on the spot. I answered with, "What do you mean what did I do?" The examining doctor went on to say that the calcified cysts were gone, as were the kidney stones. He said he could understand the kidney stones leaving, but he had never experienced a kidney cyst going away. I knew exactly what I had done. When I explained it to him, he said, "I will be right over, I want to talk to you more about how you did that".

Surgery might be exactly what you need to make you well, however, there may be another alternative. Don't be foolish - if surgery has been recommended, get several opinions from both surgeons and non-surgeons before you move forward. Don't be afraid to ask questions and read up on the Internet about the condition and its treatment. If it is a big problem, go to a big expert. The more times a surgeon does a procedure, the better he or she gets at doing it.
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6 . How would you treat what I have?
Again, not knowing what you have, it would be difficult to answer this question. But let me give you my approach. Most often people have complaints that are not symptomatic of the condition that is at the root of their problem. This is what makes chronic illness so difficult for many patients and doctors alike.

So where that leaves you is to look for what is at the center of the maze. For example, an allergy problem often begins with a digestive problem, which begins as an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system, which disrupts the immune system. This may be a simpler puzzle but, figuring things out does not mean that the cure follows immediately.

So how I would treat what you have comes down to "what do you REALLY have?"
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7 . 7. I have seen 12 other doctors and none of them helped me. Why do you think you can?
My experience is that many doctors, even the best of the alternative physicians, have a limited tool box. They run the tests, listen to the symptoms, give pills, vitamins, herbs, etc. and then, if nothing happens, they do it all over again. This works for some patients, but for some it doesn't.

Where I begin is testing the body's T helper 1 and T helper 2 responses. The T helper cell 1 and 2 system is like the local fire departments. T helper 1 is comprised of the more skilled fire fighters. They fight viruses, bacteria, parasites, molds/yeasts/fungus, vaccines and other intracellular invaders. The T helper 2s fight extra-cellular invaders and play a significant role in allergy, metal toxicity, subrogated mold/yeast/fungal, some vaccines, toxicities and metals.

As in any busy fire department, the T helper cell system gets overloaded, and therefore there can be a backlog of problems as the body tries to sort through its own triage. This is where symptoms wreak havoc with your body. You would think that your body would be smart enough to fight what's bothering you first, but that's not how it was designed.

The T helper system is interesting in that when one of the T helper systems has responded to the emergency, the other T helper system stays at the fire house and watches TV or takes a nap. An example of this is asthma, which is a T helper 2 problem. It is as if the body is stuck in T helper 2 dominance, and if the body can be forced into T helper 1, the asthma symptoms go away.

As certain T cell stimulants are not handled by an overloaded system, they sometimes get subrogated to a less emergency position in the line such as mold/yeast/fungal infections, which are often handled by the T helper cell 1 system. But if T helper 1 gets behind on the job it will subrogate them to the T helper 2 system, and that is where chronic mold/yeast/fungal infections start. This may be why they are so resistant to treatment. Just think about what this can do to an already compromised asthmatic patient, and why asthma is such a difficult condition to treat.

So is it possible that everyone else has been treating just a symptom, and was never able to uncover enough of the problem to really see what was at the basis of the condition?
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8 . Can what I have be fixed?
Again, not knowing you, it would be difficult to answer this question. Let me tell you about a few patients - first a few success stories, and then a few not so successful stories.

The first story is about a wonderful Chinese couple who I have come to love very much. Initially, the wife came in as a patient with a long history of treatment by a dozen or so doctors of all kinds. The husband was also suffering with sciatica, gout, hypertension and rheumatoid arthritis-like complaints.

When I began, I started by changing their diets and made changes with the water they were drinking. The husband had too much water, and the wife had too little. I suspected electrical problems at their home and I referred them to an electrical engineer to evaluate their body voltage at their home, as well as the ambient EMF and RF which have both been shown to affect immunity and energy.

Continuing to treat and trying to get to the causes, I had to give up the diet recommendations and take a new tack as they were missing their traditional foods and compliance was difficult.

Ruling out causes, along with helping the body open detoxification pathways, was the next step to finding the pathway through the individual maze of each patient.

As we started to unravel the T helper cell problem, we found an incredible yarn ball of infections, parasites, vaccines, molds/yeasts/fungus, emotional blockages and systems which were not operating correctly.

As we treated each condition, the body would show us the next player in the mystery. The husband's back pain began to shift, and we started to be able to cross check specific infective agents to the back pain. The major breakthrough came when it was found that gout, psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis had a common denominator with this particular patient, and that was a sub-clinical reaction to a small pox vaccine. Once we cleared that reaction, he was out of pain and walking three miles at a time, and driving his car without pain, which had been impossible before.

His wife, being the sicker patient, is lagging behind but making progress nonetheless.

The next story I want to give you is about a patient who was very, very ill with allergies. He was taking daily allergy shots and had been doing so for many years. He was also taking medicine to stabilize a brain chemical imbalance. He had heard from a friend that I may know something different for the cure of allergies. Our first phone call was that he was looking for a fix for his allergies, but that he was very traditional and had been a pre med student when he was in college, and didn't want anything "too different". Upon the first visit I evaluated his T helper system along with his autonomic nervous system. I found that he was in a mild fight or flight condition, but when I input his medications for the psychological conditions he was being treated for, along with the results of another test which indicated a diminished digestive function, it was clear why he had allergies. I discussed with him what allergies I found, and he confirmed that I was correct. I also pointed out that he had sleep problems which he also confirmed.

I went on to explain why I felt he had allergies and also why he may be needing to take medications for his emotional state, and how the two things were connected. I gave him some references to web sites which talk about the type of things I had explained to him, and he left having made appointments to begin uncovering the cause and treating the problem. Later the next day he called and cancelled all the office visits which he had scheduled the previous day.

What went wrong? Often, even though we hate our condition, it sometimes seems safer than going off in a direction which may be foreign to us. We somehow justify staying where we are even though there may be a potential cure just around the corner. If it is too far outside our comfort zone, we opt just to stay half well or just wear bigger band aids.

The next story is about a brother and a sister who came to me for two unrelated conditions. The brother had sleep problems, and the sister had digestive problems. They each had several other symptoms as well, but these were their main complaints.

On the very first visit, the brother was a tag along with the sister who wanted him to become a patient. After a brief exam I did some biofeedback with him while he waited for his sister to complete her office visit. I also spent some time instructing him about disconnecting the electronics next to his bed and transformers around the house. I also told him about a current study from Germany which addressed the problems of the Gigahertz portable house phones and brain activity. I discussed his diet and made several recommendations about what he should avoid and what kind of water he should be drinking.

Because I had seen the sister before as a patient, I began treatment with her on that visit after a reevaluation of her T helper cells. I also reviewed some of the tests which I had previously done on her previous visit. As we went over my findings, I found both she and her brother share a common problem: an imbalanced autonomic nervous system. They both were all gas pedal and no brakes. This fight or flight response is consistent with failed digestion, insomnia, amplified stress reactions and altered immune function.

Well, the next week when they both returned for treatment, the brother looked better already. He went on about his progress, how he was sleeping through the night, and that all his drugs were no longer necessary. He was even surprised that his allergies were going away, and that a long standing yeast problem was leaving already. He was really funny when he hesitantly said, "Is this normal? Should I be feeling this good so soon?"

The sister, on the other hand, was saying, "When I am going to be well? I am not feeling any different." Certainly, her complaints were more acute than her brother's, but I too felt she should be feeling something. She spoke up to her brother, apparently they had both been smokers. They had gone to a hypnotist and the brother came away smoke free, but she did not. It was easy for me to see her problem. She was an important person in her professional life with lots of responsibility. She had a protective layer which was obvious to me. So when she complained to her brother that he had all the luck with his health I interrupted her mid sentence and said to her, "You never gave up control. You didn't let the hypnotist have control to help you, and you are not letting me have control to fix you either". She looked at me, paused, and said, "You are exactly right!" Now her success could begin.

So can you remember the question? "Can what I have be fixed?" You may just have more control of your cure than I. But I can guarantee you this - I will be there to walk you through the recovery.
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9 . Will my insurance pay my bill?
Insurance is a contract between the patient and the insurance company, and has very little to do with the doctor. Each and every policy is different and it has become much more complicated than anyone can keep up with in the changing world of insurance. What we started in about 1985 was to collect from the patient and provide a super bill for the patient to turn into their insurance carrier. It is a crime how many insurance companies take your money and hide in the fine print to avoid doing what it was you thought you were getting when you got the policy. We are sorry for this state of affairs and will do our best to give you the paperwork you need to hopefully get what your policy will pay. You are your best spokesperson with your carrier, as you pay the premiums. If you contact your insurance company, they may be able to tell you what your benefits are, and if you need a diagnosis we may be able to help provide that to you so you can check with your carrier. Regrettably, if you are looking to your insurance to pay our bill you will probably be disappointed. Speak to the receptionist and she may be able to tell you what our experience has been with your particular carrier or company. Just the other day I was pleasantly surprised about what I saw come in from an insurance company for one of our patients.
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10 . I am taking a lot of medication----can you still treat me?
Medications can make treatment and proper diagnosis more difficult, but I cannot advise you in any way to change the recommendations of another doctor, whether I agree with it or not. What I see happen with patients is they begin to improve under my care, and they are able to begin a gradual reduction of their medications with the prescribing doctor's help.
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11 . Do I need to take a lot of vitamins?
I take people off more vitamins than I ever put them on. I have a lot of opinions about vitamins. I have been the past vice president and president of a major clinical nutrition association. I have been on the advisory board of several nutrition foundations, and still am with at least one. I have been board certified in clinical nutrition, and I can say that no one believes more strongly in the value of vitamins and nutritional supplements than I. However, I have some very strong opinions about vitamins as such.

To address the question first, it would be a rare situation that you would have to take a lot of vitamins.

When was the last time you picked up a newspaper or watched the evening news that the headline was "NEW VITAMIN JUST DISCOVERED"? More than likely not.

All the vitamins there are have been discovered. "WRONG". So how that translates to taking vitamins is that more than likely what you are taking is deficient and does not contain the necessary vitamins your body may need and want. Vitamins are synergists. Each one requires another to properly function. What that means is if one of the essential vitamins or cofactors is missing, the body will have to give up part of its own stores of the missing ingredient to complete the activity of the incomplete vitamin, therefore possibly developing an imbalance or even a deficiency. Nature is smarter than all the vitamin manufacturers, and each natural food contains the vitamins and cofactors the body needs to utilize each of the elements. Natural, unprocessed, foods without labels, non genetically engineered and organic, if possible, food is your best source of vitamins and minerals. Junk food and diets high in food facsimiles and artificial ingredients cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies. You put junk gas in your car, you get poor performance. The body is no different. Poor quality food equals poor health, energy, immunity etc.

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12 Just how much treatment do I need?
It often depends on just how sick and adapted your body has become. Sometimes people are very sick and do not realize it because there are no symptoms. There are no warning signs, or if there are, sometimes people just don't pay any attention to their bodies.

The amount of treatment one needs may be as simple as unplugging the non essential electronics in your house as you read about above with the patient who could not sleep. On the other hand, it could be as involved as the Chinese man with the leg pain.

There have been times when I meet a new patient and they say they wish they had found me years ago. My response is, "Oh no you don't. I wasn't this smart back then". It's true. I learn something new with every patient and every day.
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13. . Do I have to be referred to you?
No. However, all of our patients are referred by either another doctor or a patient I have seen. We presently do no form of advertising. A lot of my patients are referred by other doctors who know I like a challenge, or have exhausted their own clinical resources. Complex patients take a lot of time in a practice, and some offices are just not prepared to handle this type of case. So we see a lot of referrals from physicians who refer for that reason. The largest percentage of our referred patients comes from other patients who have found answers with my office and want to help a friend or family member by referring them for treatment.

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